Color Photography

San Juan River Gallery...almost there...

I just posted the San Juan River gallery on the website.  I love the way the gallery is presented via squarespace's interface.  The one thing I can't quite get to work is a simultaneous playing of an audio file while viewing the images.  So the next best thing I can do is to provide a link to the music and simply play it in a separate window while you peruse the images.  Here is the link to "Everlasting Light" and please enjoy the show.  Don't forget to activate the "lightroom" mode by clicking on the first image in the gallery and then following the arrow prompts to progress through the show.  Take care. 

Cinderella's Ice Castle

In the fall of 2008 our family visited Disney World for my son's senior high school trip. For a camera, we had my wife's convenient Canon 400D. The stock 18-55mm lens was on the camera which limited compositions as well as perspective control options. Long telephoto lenses can help minimize distortions when photographing from a distance. The ice decorations on the castle were quite stunning and so I worked on a couple of different compositions, mainly for practice, as I knew there would be some different techniques involved. On this particular image, I combined 4 frames vertically in Photoshop to give extra image area so that I could then perform a perspective correction. This composition poses several challenges including a huge dynamic range, hand-held image capture at ISO 1600 and 1/8 of a second, large crowds of people, and a tired tourist at the shutter. So this is the final presentation after RAW conversion in LR, vertical stitching and perspective control in PS3. I hope you enjoy the image and I encourage you to visit Disney World during the holiday season for some special treats like Cinderalla's Ice Castle.

An Orion experiment

Now this is simply crazy. I had some Orion Nebula data from WSP that I basically captured on a whim. So in reviewing the data in Light Room I wanted to see just what the new techniques could bring out of this data. Let me state up front that this is simply not enough data to get what I eventually want out of this image. But, it is a great exercise in seeing exactly what the technique can do with very limited amounts of data. I selected 11 of the best frames captured on the Canon 450D and TMB 92SS combination. I optimized each image in LR 2.2 and exported to tiff. I used Images Plus and Sigma clip for the alignment and combination and then processed as normal in PS3. Now one other major error on my part, not that the clouds at WSP had anything to do with it, was that I failed to capture shorter exposures to compensate for the over-exposed core of M42. So I did plug in some old data from other instruments for the core of M42 in this image. There is a fair amount of noise reduction via Noise Ninja applied to the shadow areas. So for only 40 minutes of data with a lowly DSLR, I am very happy with the potential to really capture the Orion Nebula area as I hope next year. My expectations are that two hours of data at ISO 800 will be wonderful data to work with and accomplish my imaging goals. Please drop me a line if you have any questions or comments and I hope you enjoy the image.