I was able to scoot away for a night at Calhoun County Dark Sky Park on November 18. It had been one year since I had been to Calhoun….way too long! There was a bit of a Moon early in the evening, I added some green and blue data to my backyard project of the vdB152 area. It is a stunning complex of dust and gas in Cepheus. I also began to gather some full frame data on the Pleaides. It had been a few years since I visited this iconic area and wanted to give some new techniques a workout. It was some of the best data I have ever acquired. I am very happy with the work from the evening. I still have more data to get on the vdB152 area to really do what I envision with that area. This will have to wait until 2024.
The West Virginia Astrophotogrphy Association was holding a star-party at Calhoun that weekend as well. If you are looking to learn more about astrophotography, this is a wonderful group to seek out and become an active member.
Please enjoy the new images and video where I update the developmental progress at the park. We are very blessed to have this facility in West Virginia. Clear skies.
Please see links to my Astrobin page for details on image acquisition. Link on my contact page.
Orion Nebula 2023
Orion Constellation and Milky Way Ha Clouds
Pleiades 2023