Corona detail captured with the Astro-Physics 130 refractor on the AP Mach 1 mount with a modified Canon T1i camera. Magic Lantern was used to automate the capture process.
An image collaboration with Brent Maynard. Combining multiple instruments to capture the wide corona detail.
Exposure 1/4000.
Exposure 1/2000.
1/2000 exposure with Baader Planetarium solar filter in place.
Join our expedition team from Madisonvill, TN for the Great American Eclipse of 2017
Corona detail captured with the Astro-Physics 130 refractor on the AP Mach 1 mount with a modified Canon T1i camera. Magic Lantern was used to automate the capture process.
An image collaboration with Brent Maynard. Combining multiple instruments to capture the wide corona detail.
Exposure 1/4000.
Exposure 1/2000.
1/2000 exposure with Baader Planetarium solar filter in place.
Join our expedition team from Madisonvill, TN for the Great American Eclipse of 2017