Comet 2019Y4 (ATLAS) and 11 Galaxies: March 24, 2020 10:00 p.m. EDT

Hello and thank you for visiting. I imaged C/2019Y4 on Wednesday March 24, 2020 from 9:30 to 11:30 p.m. As I was gathering data, I could see the comet moving closer for a drive by of what looks to be an irregular galaxy. I can’t find this object in any of the sky references. There is also an edge-on galaxy above my name plate that I can’t identify. If you have the ability to identify these objects or could point me in the direction for more detailed database, I would be most appreciative. Thanks again and clear skies.

Thanks to Dale Ghent for providing the annotated picture that shows the fuzzy galaxy in question is 16.97 magnitude PGC 2717206! Thanks Dale!

Acquisition details:

Astro-Physics 130EDF Gran Turismo with 2x Astro-Physics Advanced Barlow

ZWOASI294MC Pro with 1 minute subs at 183 gain. 10 stacked for stars and 122 for comet stacking.

ASI Air plate solving calculated a 1463mm focal length and the long edge of the FOV at 77 arc minutes.

Minor edge cropping of the field.

Minor edge cropping of the field.

Zoom with the irregular galaxy at about the 5 o’clock position off of the comet nucleus.

Zoom with the irregular galaxy at about the 5 o’clock position off of the comet nucleus.

Edge-on galaxy at bottom right corner.

Edge-on galaxy at bottom right corner.

Annotated image showing 11 galaxies in the field. Thanks Dale!

Annotated image showing 11 galaxies in the field. Thanks Dale!