Hello astro friends.
Canon had to go and make a full frame astro-modified camera! I was just settling in with my Sony and was perfectly happy. But, I definitely have a soft spot in my heart for Canon as the only world-wide major camera manufacturer who provides the astronomical community a very cool product.
I have a two-part video on my youtube channel which I will embed below. I explain the benefits and zonks of the Canon and share some pixel peeping insight.
My Redcat/iOptron Sky Guider Pro mount is my easiest to setup for testing. And this is exactly what I did last week during some windows of clear sky opportunity. The image below is a compilation of around 90 separate 3 minute exposures stacked to reduce noise at ISO 1600. I did layer in some previously captured H-alpha data of the Horsehead nebula to add more signal and reduce noise.
Next time you look up at Orion’s Belt and Sword area, just imaging this cloud of gas and dust beyond human vision.
For details on image acquisition, please see my astrobin page by clicking here.
Orion’s Belt and Sword. Click for larger presentation.
I apologize for low sound, please adjust volume.