If accumulating bad photos means anything...

I have read references to some insight by Ansel Adams about not being a good photographer until you have taken enough bad images.  I think he also said that 12 quality images a year is a good crop.  The website "redo" has provided an opportunity for me to step back and really evaluate what are "good" images.  The process is not entirely pure as my bias has many influences that don't necessarily have anything to do with the quality of the image.  One strong bias is the difficulty in either acquiring the image or in processing the image.  The harder one works on acquring or processing an image the more likely that image is going to make it into the portfolio.  On the relaunch of my website I have thrown out some images that have taken many hours of my time to get just right.  Upon further review these images simply don't reflect my artistic presentation style or meet my quality standards.  This is a good thing!  I am now embracing the current tag line "less is more" when it comes to portfolio construction and web presentations.  I hope you enjoy the images in the gallery so far and I look forward to adding quality images to the collection over the next few months.  Take care and Happy Thanksgiving.